Monday, April 21, 2003

Has Catherine Zeta Jones given birth yet? Because I really need to know when she squirts out the next Michael Douglas spawn.
I drove (as in I had control of the vehicle) all the way to the cities with my mom and back and I was ok. Yay me. That was today. I got a purse. It is black. I got a Dar Williams CD too. I haven't listened yet because I know it will be good because Dar Williams is just like that.
So what else? I took pretty pictures on thursday. They are pretty and I like them. Watched Harry Potter again over the weekend. Made me happy.
Sarah P. is coming back today. My hair smells weird.
I can't stop bleeding.
That is scary. What if I hemorrage? Cause of death: Uterus expelling too much of it's nasty ass lining.
I'll stop now. Cyber space is probably grossed out. So am I.

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