That is one angry mama goose. Maybe because we were blowing bubbles and getting too close to her and her babies?
That is pretty much what I've been up to these days. Job prospects are still bleak. Booo. I have but one co op possibility left and just one on campus job prospect. (Interview for that on Monday.) Its tough. I'm broke-de-broke and can barely buy groceries. But that's the boat that everyone is in, right?
So on to the other stuff I guess. There is a crazy flock of geese living in the pond in front of my apartment. They think they own it. This summer they will wish they never came to live here. This is the part where I laugh evily.
For fun, we have been playing epic games of Monopoly and having pajama parties. We collaged all afternoon today and watched a million episodes of Next. We were planing on heading down to Syracuse to see my dear friend Pecky perform with his rapgroup but alas we lack the funds to get into the show. Tomorrow, there is a Greek fesitval going on and the Fairport Canal Days. (As in Erie Canal.) So we shall be heading out to those festivities. Plus little cousin Pod has a skating show so the three roommates shall go to spectate that. In other news, my childhood dreams might finally be realized. We are possibly adopting a hamster. I'm excited! My mom sent me a package yesterday contain beef jerky, Crystal light, a book about Julia Child, bubble gum and an issue of Volume One as I like to keep up on my EC haps. It made my day. I also swam 1300 meters yesterday and am pretty damn proud of myself. Felt good. And its been frickin hot here so the pool is always "cool". Haha I'm super funny. My love is coming to visit next weekend as well. I'm looking forward to that. So all in all, things are going well except for the job stuff. But with fingers and toes crossed that will work itself out.
I leave you with this: the story of the most awesome guinea pig. Enjoy. I hope everyone's summers are going well thus far. Keep me posted on your goings ons.
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