Monday, May 22, 2006

Quickie for you.

I woke up this morning cryin' and I don't know why. Finals week is here and that means that school is almost done and everything I've come to be used to is going to be over and done with. I don't want it to end. I'll be in Rachachacha this summer. And I'll have faboo Katie living with me and trips to the beach with Elle. But I still don't know what I am doing yet as far as a job goes and my love is moving back home and I hate this uncertaintity and I just want to fastforward so I know everything will be ok. Ok?


Arvesse said...

if i had the superpower to manipulate time, i would share it with you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary! I miss you, dear. It's sad to hear you're not coming back, but I understand completely. I wish I could stay where I go to school, but there's no job or life opportunity in a town of 7,000. I also have no job yet. I'm applying everywhere. Would you mind if I put your name on an app to Sharp?

It's hard to be boy-less for the summer; I am too, and I was also crying last night. It's nice that being apart makes you closer when you're together again, but that doesn't help with the lonelies too much.

Wish I could squish you with my arms and make the sad stuff go away!