Monday, May 22, 2006

Quickie for you.

I woke up this morning cryin' and I don't know why. Finals week is here and that means that school is almost done and everything I've come to be used to is going to be over and done with. I don't want it to end. I'll be in Rachachacha this summer. And I'll have faboo Katie living with me and trips to the beach with Elle. But I still don't know what I am doing yet as far as a job goes and my love is moving back home and I hate this uncertaintity and I just want to fastforward so I know everything will be ok. Ok?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Be Nobody's Darling by Alice Walker

Be nobody's darling;

Be an outcast.

Take the contradictions

Of your life

And wrap around

You like a shawl,

To parry stones

To keep you warm.

Watch the people succumb

To madness

With ample cheer;

Let them look askance at you

And you askance reply.

Be an outcast;

Be pleased to walk alone


or line the crowded

river beds

with other impetuous


Make a merry gathering

On the bank

Where thousands perished

For brave hurt words

They said.

Be nobody's darling;

Be an outcast

Qualified to live

Among your dead......

Friday, May 05, 2006

So. Julie and Julia. Quite a delicious book. Quite a delectable read. Julie and Julia cronicles the year that the author, Julie Powell spent cooking all the recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Something like 524? I think. Anyway, the author lives in a tiny apartment with a tiny kitchen and this presents all sorts of problems and whatnot. Thinking back, I did not find myself hungry all the time while reading this book. They are a lot of meat recipes and meat and I have a tenuous relationship. I digress. My favorite parts were where when Powell decides to cook something "interesting" like beer marrow or calf's brains. Yum. And she fucks up a lot. And says so herself. Which is exactly what would happen to me if I were trying to cook French food. Like making pasty dough 15 times. So I highly recommend this book. Its not just about cooking, its also about Powell's search to find herself. See the passage I quoted in my last post. So yeah. Its good.

This week has found me frantically searching for a summer co op. Problem is there is practically nothing out there. Booooo. I am staying in my beloved Rachachacha this summer. Because I can't bear to be away from this city. Really. No. I feel like there's nothing in EC for me job wise. I am not going back to sharp for a 5th summer there. I am definately not going back to Sacred Heart for a 2nd summer in purgatory. So I am staying here. I don't know if I will visit at home. Really. I don't. Just give me a frickin co op already.

Check my flickr I got some sweet rugby shots up. Yeaaah.

Monday, May 01, 2006

"I have no claim over the woman at all, unless it's the claim one who has nearly drowned has over the person who pulled her out of the ocean." - from Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. Great book, I will get up a post about it soon.